Why now, more than ever, it’s time to be human in your content.

The value of being ‘human’ in your content marketing has never been so relevant.

I don’t want to harp on about the “C Word”; god knows it’s in just about everything we consume right now.

But facts are facts: the world is rapidly changing around us. As a collective race, we are facing a pandemic unlike anything anyone alive has ever encountered.

And that is f*cking huge.

Whether you like it or not, now is the time to show your human side.

If you’re choosing to still show up online (and for those of you who find that too much right now – that is totally okay. You 100% have to do what’s right for you), this is your opportunity to peal back the layers and shake off some of those business barriers.

Because, right now? People don’t want blatant, hard sales. They don’t want insincerity.

They want connection. Comfort. Solace.

It’s okay to stray from the path during a crisis.

I’ve always been the biggest advocate for human storytelling within your brand. Hell, I’m pretty sure a big ol’ portion of my audience would dub me an “over sharer”.

But just pause, for a second.

What do YOU want to be be seeing online right now?

What would make YOU feel better in this crazy, messed up period?

What is building YOUR respect for a brand during *you know what*?

Now, tell me: are you currently doing these things?

When the entire world around you is isolated, feeling close and connected – albeit virtually – can make all the difference.

And that doesn’t mean putting your innermost feelings on a platter (but y’all know I’m a sucker for that).

It can be as simple as:

Including more photos of BEA-U-TI-FUL YOU on your social media

Write how you speak – screw prim and proper, if it doesn’t sound natural coming out of your mouth, scrap it

Play around with video and speaking directly to camera

Create content aimed at your actual human audience and not just to feed the algorithms

I think we’re all feeling a tad “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” right now, ay? So play! Mix up your business content with some genuine, personal insights

Don’t pretend and don’t force it. If you feel crap, either address it in your content or steer away from the digi-world

Don’t be afraid to ask for help – none of us are going to come out of this unscathed. Is there a way your community can help you? If so, then ask! People appreciate vulnerability

See? Easy like a Sunday morning (better known as “any morning” RN).

And guess what? Just by reading this, you’re already one step closer. Congrats, hero.

If you’re still not quite sure where to start, you know where to find me. Virtual coffees are my new thang-a-lang, and I’m always up for a natter.


12 Lead Generation Strategies to Boost Your Reach


How to manage your content in a crisis.